Custom Orthotics

At Performance Podiatry & Physiotherapy, our podiatrists have access to a large range of orthotic options, and can prescribe the most appropriate device for you following an extensive assessment of your complaint and biomechanical assessment.

Brisbane podiatry - custom orthotics using scanning technology
Brisbane orthotic prescription
  • Orthotics are specially designed  in-shoe devices that correct and control abnormal foot and lower limb function and may also be designed to accommodate and relieve pressure over painful areas.

  • Orthotics can  correct biomechanical abnormalities  of the feet and lower limb which may contribute to painful conditions.

Our podiatrists are at the forefront of foot orthotic technology. Our director, Kent, routinely lectures on foot orthotics and ankle-foot-orthotics to podiatrists through Australia, Asia and New Zealand. He has also developed orthotic technology that is routinely used in practices around the world.

At Performance Podiatry & Physiotherapy, we use state-of-the-art 3D scanning technology to get an accurate impression of your feet in the perfect position. We use the latest in 3D printing which can print to the thickness of a human hair. This allows our podiatrists the ability to be incredibly specific with their orthotic prescription, giving you truly custom orthotics.

3D printing accurate to the thickness of a human hair
Brisbane podiatry - truly custom orthotics using 3D printing technology

Want specific advice for your individual situation?
Make an appointment today on (07) 3846 4800.

Suite 2B, 90 Vulture Street, West End, Queensland 4101

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